Bag-of-Lies is a multi-modal dataset consisting of video, audio and eye gaze from 35 unique subjects collected using a carefully designed experiment for the task of automated deception detection (binary classification into truth/lie). It has a total of 325 manually annotated recordings consisting of 162 lies and 163 truths. Along with it, EEG (13 channels) data is also available for 22 unique subjects.
For the experiment, each subject was shown 6-10 select images and were asked to describe them deceptively or otherwise based on their choice. Video and Audio were captured using a standard phone camera and microphone, gaze data was collected using GazePoint GP3 Eye tracking system and EEG Data was captured using EPOC+ headset.
The database can be downloaded from the following link:
Bag-of-Lies Database) (6.14 GB) (CRC32: 8748CBD7, MD5: A18542168F2F178EBECAA292BFC791B3)