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JAN-DEC 2021

January 2021 (Akshay defends his thesis!)


JAN-DEC 2020

January 2020 (IABians join IIT Jodhpur)

January 2020 (AAAI 2020)

January 2020 (Au Revoir, Rohit!)

March 2020 (Holi celebration at IIT Jodhpur!)


JAN-DEC 2019

May 2019 (Goodbye, Batch of 2019)

November 2019 (Adios, Akshay!)

December 2019 (IDRBT Doctoral Colloquim)
Aakarsh presenting at IDRBT Doctoral Colloquium 2019

December 2019 (Sayonara, Soumyadeep!)


JAN-DEC 2018

November 2018 (IAB Achievements!)
Dr. Mayank Vatsa selected for Swarnajayanti Fellowship award (details).

November 2018 (IAB PhD defense)
Gaurav's PhD defense (details). (photos) (PPT)


JAN-DEC 2017

August 2017 (IAB PhD defense)
Anush PhD defense (details). (photos)

November 2017 (IAB PhD defense)
Tejas PhD defense (details). (photos)


JAN-DEC 2016

Sepetember 2016 (BTAS 2016)
Dr. Mayank and Dr. Richa are visiting BTAS 2016. (photos)

October 2016 (@ WVU)
IAB Lab joined WVU as visiting scholars. (photos)

October 2016 (Coopers Rock & Cheat Lake)
Almost all lab experience Fall in Coopers Rock and Cheat Lake . (photos)

October 2016 (Diwali)
IAB Diwali celebration. (photos)


JAN-DEC 2015

May 2015 (IAB Dinner 2015)
IAB Dinner @ punjab grill .

July 2015 (M. Tech. Defense)
MTech defense of Mahek and Priyanka (details) (photos).

August 2015 (PhD defense)
PhD defense of Samarth (details) (photos).

Sepetember 2015 (BTAS 2015)
Anush, Tejas, Ishan, Dr. Mayank and Dr. Richa are visiting BTAS 2015. (photos).


JAN-DEC 2014

February 2014 (Phd dissertation defense)
PhD dissertation defense of Himanshu S. Bhatt (details).

May 2014 (M Tech Defense)
MTech defense of Praful Agrawal (details).

June - Oct 2014 (West Virginia University)
Anush and Tejas are visiting West Virginia University for collaborative research with Prof. Afzel Noore.

December 2014 (IAB dinner party)
IAB dinner party @ Rajdhani..


JAN-DEC 2013

January 2013 (IAB Dinner Party)
IAB dinner party @ Pind Balluchi..

May 2013 (IAB Lunch Party)
IAB lunch party (photos).

June 2013 (PHILIPS Research Summer Internship)
Aishwarya Jain is doing summer internship in PHILIPS Research, Bangalore.

June 2013 (ICB 2013)
Tejas is visiting ICB 2013 (photos).

June 2013 (CVPR 2013)
Samarth, Himanshu, Dr. Mayank and Dr. Richa are visiting CVPR 2013.

September 2013 (MICCAI 2013)
Praful is visiting MICCAI 2013.

September 2013 (ICIP 2013)
Samarth, Himanshu, Dr. Mayank and Dr. Richa are visiting ICIP 2013.

Sept - Oct 2013 (BTAS 2013)
Anush, Gaurav, Dr. Mayank and Dr. Richa are visiting BTAS 2013.

December 2013 (IDRBT Doctoral Colloquim)
Anush and Tejas are presenting at IDRBT Doctoral Colloquium 2013.

December 2013 (NCVPRIPG 2013)
Almost the entire lab is visiting NCVPRIPG 2013 (photos).


JAN-DEC 2012

March 2012 (ICB 2012)
IAB hostsed and conducted ICB'12.

July 2012 (INRIA)
Tarang Chugh visits National Institute for Research in Computer Science and Control (INRIA) France.

July 2012 (University of Sassari)
Daksha Yadav visits University of Sassari to work under Dr. Massimo Tistarelli.

July 2012 (University of Houston)
Naman Kohli visits University of Houson to work under Dr. Ioannis Kakadiaris.

September 2012 (ICIP 2012)
Himanshu, Tejas, Dr. Mayank and Dr. Richa are visiting ICIP 2012.

December 2012 (BTAS 2012)
Anush, Dr. Mayank and Dr. Richa are visiting BTAS 2012.

December 2012 (ICVGIP 2012)
Anush, Himanshu, Praful, Samarth and Tejas are visiting ICVGIP 2012.

JAN-DEC 2011

October 2011 (IJCB 2011)
Samarth and Tejas visited IJCB'11.
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