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KaspAROV Kinect

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KaspAROV Kinect Video Database

Face recognition in surveillance sceanrios is an open research problem due to the challenges it poses in form of unconstrained pose, expression, illumination and distance. In order to deal with the above detailed issues depth data from 3D sensors could be used in concert with RGB face images for building robust face recognition system.

The KaspAROV Database consists of face images of 108 male and female subjects taken from videos collected from Microsoft Kinect version 1 and version 2 sensors in surveillance like conditions. Each subject appears in two videos taken in different sessions using both the Kinect sensors. KaspAROV dataset contains a total of 432 videos / 117,831 frames.

For Kinect version 1 and 2, RGB faces are available in png format and Depth face data is available in raw form in MAT files. For Kinect version 2 NIR face images are also available in raw form in MAT files. All the face images are available in 64x64 resolution.

Sample face images for two subjects from the KaspAROV RGBDI database captured using the Kinect v2 device. First two columns depict visible spectrum images, the next two columns corresponding depth images, and the final two columns represent NIR images.

Sample RGB-D frames. The first two columns contain frames captured using Kinect v1 device (from left to right: visible and depth) and the last three columns contain frames captured using the Kinect v2 device (from left to right: visible, depth, and NIR).


An overview of the experimental protocols defined on the KaspAROV database. 1. Single gallery identification, 2. Video based identification, 3. Image based verification, and 4. Video based verification. K1-K1: only Kinect v1 data, K2-K2: only Kinect v2 data, K2-K1+K2: Kinect v2 data as gallery and remaining 3 videos as probe, K2-K1: Kinect v2 data as gallery and only Kinect v1 data as probe.

    The database can be downloaded from the following link.

    KaspAROV Kinect Video Database (1.49 GB) (CRC-32: 5C89398D, MD5: BD7E3156F0F30EFDBF8A5A3ED7429F70)

  • To obtain the password for the compressed file, email the duly filled license agreement to with the subject line "License agreement for SmartPhone Fingerphoto Database V1 (ISPFDv1)"
    NOTE: The license agreement has to be signed by someone having the legal authority to sign on behalf of the institute, such as the head of the institution or registrar. If a license agreement is signed by someone else, it will not be processed further.

    This database is available only for research and educational purpose and not for any commercial use. If you use the database in any publications or reports, you must refer to the following paper:
  • A. Chowdhury, S. Ghosh, R. Singh, and M. Vatsa, RGB-D Face Recognition via Learning-based Reconstruction, In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Biometrics: Theory, Applications and Systems, 2016.
  • P. Chhokra, A. Chowdhury, G. Goswami, M. Vatsa, and R. Singh, "Unconstrained Kinect Video Face Database", Information Fusion, 2018 (Accepted).


Baseline Results

Single gallery Identification

Baseline CMC curves for single gallery identification experiments on the proposed KaspAROV database using different algorithms and Kinect v1 data.

Baseline CMC curves for single gallery identification experiments on the proposed KaspAROV database using different algorithms and Kinect v2 data.

Image based Verification

Baseline ROC curves for image based verification experiments on the proposed KaspAROV database using different algorithms and Kinect v1 data.

Baseline ROC curves for image based verification experiments on the proposed KaspAROV database using different algorithms and Kinect v2 data.


Video Based Verification

Baseline ROC curves for video based verification experiments on the proposed KaspAROV database using different algorithms and Kinect v1 data.


Baseline ROC curves for video based verification experiments on the proposed KaspAROV database using different algorithms and Kinect v2 data.


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